Anyone care for an atomic gin fizz? It's got quite a.kick.We all think that the new Susan is the cat's "me-wow"! I'm sorry.I am not a quack, I am a mad scientist!!!! There's a difference.They called me crazy! But I'll show them! I'll show them all!.This is Susan Murphy, saying, "Goodbye, Derek!".In what universe is Fresno better than Paris, Derek?!

Doctor, I'd prefer that you didn't do your mad scientist laugh while I'm hooked up to this machine.Three weeks ago, if you had asked me to fight an alien robot, I would have said "No can do!" But I did it! Me! I'm still buzzing! Did you see how strong I was? There's probably not a jar in this world I can't open!.I'm hyperventilating! Does anybody have a giant paper bag?! Wait, wait, everybody! It’s okay! Have some champagne while we're figuring this out!.Like I told you before, you should have defeated me when you had the Quantonium! Have fun exploding!!.Are you crazy?! You could have killed me!.Uh, Spaceballs! Divert the Quantonium to the bridge, and prepare my escape capsule!.Attention, all aliens, destroy all monsters!.You should in no way take any of this personally - it's just business! So, just to recap: I come in peace, I mean you no harm, and you all will die. And those of you who do survive will be enslaved and experimented on. However, it may be important to know that most of you will not survive the next 24 hours. Humans of Earth! I have come in peace.Let the birth of my new planet - now called.And I was all "No way", and she was all "Yes way", and I was like. And soon thereafter was married! Things were going well until she wanted. No child should ever have to endure that!! So I went on the road, with a giant. Many zentons ago, when I was but a squidling, I found out that my parents were.Don't bother, that forcefield is impenetrable- What the flagnog?.even if I need to rip it out of her body, one cell at a time! Computer set a course to Earth! I will retrieve the Quantonium myself. Uh, you think because you're all big and strong, and you can destroy my robot probe, that you're gonna send me running and hiding?! My days of running and hiding are over.Extract the Quantonium with extreme prejudice.